Afro Oil Engineering Company Limited: Your Ideal EPCC Partner in South Sudan

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Afro Oil Engineering Company Limited is an integrated engineering services, construction, and manpower supply company that operates in Republic of South Sudan. The company is in the business of delivering client-specific solutions for projects related to the energy, oil & gas, infrastructure,and other process industries. 

The integrated package of services encompasses engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning, & maintenance. The company is renowned in the country for its quality, safety, and on-time delivery of projects. All the faculties that are required to deliver the projects reside within the company. This unique strength enables the company to provide solutions as EPCC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning) services to a host of national and international clients.

In 2021, the company completed two projects for Sudd Petroleum Operating Company (SPOC)/SIPET, which marked a significant milestone. These projects include Reinstatement of Tharjiath Central Processing Facilities, and Reinstatement of Tharjiath Central Power Plant. 

As of 2022/2023, other projects which are in progress are as follow:

-Reinstatement of Priority Works For Central Processing Facilities (CPF)Take Over Tharjiath Oilfield.

-Reinstatement of Block 5A Facilities FWKO A. 

-EPCC for Field Surface Facilities (FSF)

-EPCC for Field Surface Facilities (FSF) and Electrical Distribution System Project (EDS).

The  owners/cients for first two projects and last two projects are SPOC/SIPET, and GPOC respectively.

Visit their website: for more information.