Vostock Capital (https://www.vostockcapital.com/) is conducting a global research devoted to Innovations in Oil and Gas: Equipment, Technologies, Global Trends, which will feature:
- The most innovative region of the world in terms of O&G industry development
- Latest trends for further evolution of global O&G
- What technologies and equipment are the most innovative and advanced in O&G?
- Top-5 state-of-the-art production facilities worldwide operating in upstream, midstream and downstream

Take part in this 5-minute survey and share your expert opinion: https://ru.surveymonkey.com/r/J28T5T2?lang=en
All survey participants will get a free-to-download copy of the report
Contact Vostock Capital team through Daria Kvasnitsyna, Project Director
+44 207 394 3090 | DKvasnitsyna@vostockcapital.com